North Capitol Deck Over Park

Re-envisioning one of Washington DC’s most iconic streets for the 21st century

Renders courtesy of ZGF Architects


The 1963 widening of North Capitol Street is today a relic of US highway expansion that has blighted historic residential neighborhoods and one of DC’s most iconic streets


Embrace the opportunity to energize North Capitol Street by transforming the commuter highway underpass into a modern, sustainable, and safe deck over of green urban space

Project Vision

The project aims to cover or “deck over” the North Capitol street underpass to create a neighborhood history-themed park and urban green space for Washington DC’s diverse residents, visitors, and uses; and increase walkability, safety, and connection between the city’s east and west sides.

These changes will help strengthen the community social fabric; create a sense of ‘place’ and provide inclusive activity for its abutting and diverse residential neighborhoods. The project will help transform North Capitol Street into a center for all – the local communities, D.C. residents, businesses, and visitors.

From the beginning, this has been a multi-community led initiative to develop a public park of national significance and at an important moment in time to make a statement about healthy, inclusive, vibrant and equitable cities and communities.

The North Capitol Street Deck Over project will help improve resident’s quality of life by increasing safety, reconnecting neighborhoods on the N.W. and N.E side of the street, rectifying the infrastructure wrongs of the past, protecting the environment, and creating one of the best pedestrian-accessible vistas of the U.S. Capitol Building.

Grounded in City and National Level Plans

For Building Better, Greener, Safer and More Inclusive Cities, the vision…



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September 25th, 2021

Watch here on Youtube.